Wool washed depleted
Procurement, processing and sale of sheep wool for the textile industry
Wool available
22-23 μm - Merino 64 quality
23,5-25 μm - Merino 60 quality
23,5-25 μm - Fine hybrid 64-60 quality
26-29 μm - Semi-thin 58-56 quality
29-31 μm - Semi-coarse Highest +1 48-50 quality
28-31 μm - Color 48-50 quality
Our company is engaged in the procurement, processing and sale of sheep wool for the textile industry. The company has its own procurement network in the Stavropol Territory, the Republic of Kalmykia, Rostov Region, Krasnodar Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia and Dagestan. Warehouses and equipment for primary processing of wool and feathers are located in the city of Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory and in Kalmykia in Utta and Elista.
We purchase up to 2000 tons of sheep wool per year.
About wool
The hair of animals that has spinning qualities or felting is called wool. A variety of fabrics and cloths, blankets and carpets, hats, felts and felt felt, heat and sound insulation materials used in construction, aviation, etc. are made from it. Woolen fabrics are beautiful, hygienic, lightweight and elastic, retain heat well, and are durable.
Types of sheep wool
Depending on the fibers included in the composition of the wool cover, wool is distinguished between homogeneous and heterogeneous. Homogeneous wool consists of fibers of the same type — down or transitional. Homogeneous wool is thin, half-shade) and semi-coarse. Wool consisting of fibers of different types (awn, transitional fiber, down) is called heterogeneous. This includes coarse and semi-coarse wool.
Thin wool consists of downy fibers with a fineness of no more than 25 microns (no coarser quality 60). It is obtained from fine wool sheep. The length of wool in a staple is 7-9 cm. The yield of clean (washed) fiber is 45-50% and more. It is a valuable raw material for high quality woolen or blended products. About 3 times more fabric is produced from 1 kg of fine wool than from coarse wool. Fine wool is subdivided into merino and non-merino wool in terms of quality.
Merino wool — is white, soft, elastic, well balanced in fineness and length, contains a sufficient amount of white or cream-colored grease.
Non-carried wool differs from merino wool by a lower content of grease, insufficient equalization of wool fibers in fineness and length, and less crimp. Wool can be white, light gray and colored (gray, dark gray, brown, black).
Semi-fine wool consists of fibers that are coarser than fine wool, mainly from transitional fibers or a mixture of transitional fibers and coarse down. , as well as from crossbred animals (from crossing coarse-wooled queens with fine-wool and semi-fine-wool rams).
Semi-coarse wool (homogeneous) consists of wool fibers of fineness 48 and coarser (31.1-40 microns). Such wool is produced by sheep of the Russian long-haired breed, Lincoln, etc.
Semi-coarse wool (heterogeneous) consists of down, transitional fibers and a thin awn. This wool is obtained from sheep of the Saraja, Tajik, Alay, Balbass, Armenian semi-coarse-wool breeds and crossbred animals (from the crossing of coarse-haired queens with rams of fine-wool and semi-fine-wool breeds). Sheep with heterogeneous semi-coarse wool are sheared 2 times a year (in spring and autumn), and lambs — once a year (in summer or autumn). The length of the spring haircut reaches 110-190 mm (in some breeds 230 mm), autumn — 80-110 mm.
Semi-coarse wool is a valuable raw material for the production of technical felts, carpets, knitted yarns. Coarse wool (heterogeneous) is characterized by the presence in its composition of all types of wool fibers: fluff, transitional fiber, awn, often dry or dead hair. The ratio of different types of fibers in wool can be different depending on the breed and the intra-breed characteristics of the sheep, which determines the value of coarse wool. The main mass of coarse wool is provided by sheep of coarse-wool breeds: Karakul, Karachaev, Tushin, Romanov and other sheep breeding products. Coarse-wool sheep are sheared 2 times a year (Romanovs — 3 times). Depending on the time of the haircut, wool is subdivided into spring, autumn, bright.
Wool sheared from sheep of all areas of productivity in spring is referred to as spring wool. With a spring haircut, the wool is sheared mainly with a whole layer (fleece). Wool sheared in the fall from sheep of semi-coarse-wooled and coarse-wooled breeds is referred to as autumn. This wool does not form a whole layer (fleece). Wool obtained from young animals of almost all breeds at the age of 5-8 months, which does not form a whole layer (fleece), is referred to as poyarkovaya.
Basic physical and technical properties of wool
The quality indicators of wool and down are determined by: fineness, length, crimp, strength, extensibility, elasticity, elasticity, color, shine, moisture, grease content.
Tonin is one of the important systematic characteristics in the assessment and classification of sheep and wool. It is determined by measuring the cross-sectional diameter of a wool fiber and expressed in thousandths of a millimeter — micrometers (μm). The fineness of the coat depends on the breed, conditions of feeding and maintenance, the sex of the animals, their age and individual characteristics. Young animals have thinner wool than adult sheep. With age, the wool becomes coarse, and after 5-6 years of age, due to the weakening of the vital functions of the body, the wool becomes thinner. The wool of the queens is thinner than that of the rams. The finest wool is obtained from sheep of fine-wool breeds (25 microns and finer). Sheep of semi-fine fleece breeds produce wool with a fineness of 25.1 microns and coarser. Such wool can also be produced by fine-wool-coarse-wool hybrids. Wool of sheep of semi-coarse-wooled and coarse-wooled breeds is mainly heterogeneous. Depending on the fineness, homogeneous wool in our country is divided into 13 classes, called qualities, which are denoted by the numbers 80, 70, 64, 60, 58, 56, 50, 48.46, 44.40, 36, 32.
Wool is determined organo-leptically, for which 3-5 staples are selected from different parts of the fleece. Each one is alternately grasped by the ends of the thumb and forefinger of both hands, straightened until a mesh is formed and examined to determine the fineness of the fibers, equalization of fineness along the staple zones. When determining the fineness class of a homogeneous wool, sometimes (in case of disagreement, etc.), reference wool samples are used. For a more accurate determination of the fineness of wool, a laboratory method is used, in which the cross-sectional diameter of the wool fiber is determined under a microscope or lanameter and is expressed in micrometers.
Length is one of the important indicators that determine the production purpose of wool, the class of fine-wool and semi-fine-wool sheep and the runes obtained from them. Distinguish between natural and true coat length.
The natural length is the height of a staple or plait with natural crimp or waviness of the hairs. It is measured with a ruler with an accuracy of 5 mm. In the plait, two measurements are determined — the length of the awn and the length of the down tier. These measurements are recorded as a fraction: in the numerator — the total length of the braid (awn), in the denominator — the length of the down tier.
True length is the length of the wool fibers in a straightened but unstretched state. It is measured to the nearest 1 mm. To determine the true length, devices 4-10-2-2a (for fibers up to 200 mm long) and 4-10-1-26 (for fibers up to 350 mm long) are used.
The growth of wool in length depends on the breed, sex and age of the sheep, the level of their feeding, keeping conditions and other factors. Sheep of fine-wool breeds (6-9 cm) have the shortest wool. Sheep and rams produce longer hair than uterus. In young animals up to one year of age, wool grows faster than in adult sheep; for 4-5 years, the growth of wool per year is approximately the same, and after 5-6 years of age, the growth rate of wool slows down. At a low level of feeding, the growth of wool slows down, the fiber becomes thinner, and its strength decreases. The length of wool in different parts of the animal’s body is different: on the shoulder blades, sides, thighs, it is longer than on the belly, back.
Crimp is characteristic of all types of wool fibers, except for the opaque hair. Crimp — a valuable sign of wool — helps to protect the fleece from getting into it mechanical impurities and precipitation. It is taken into account when grading sheep and grading wool. In fine and semi-fine wool, there are three main forms of crimps: normal, flat and tall. If the coils are close in shape to a semicircle, they are called normal, which is typical for the wool of fine-wool sheep. In flat coils, the height of the coil arc is less than its base.